Friday, April 7, 2017

REW << [poem]

We spend much of our childhood wishing we could grow up.



We don't want to wait to drive a car, stay up late, go to the R-rated movie or eat cookies for breakfast.

The ideal situation in the past was to 'Fast Forward' the present and arrive in the future.

No one is the boss of you as a "grown-up"!

...Now, we're here. Playing and Recording in real time.

We physically grew and matured. Many mentally and emotionally grew and matured as well.

...Are you frantically, but apathetically, looking for the 'Rewind' button?

Slow down.

Go back.

Is life all it was cracked up to be now no longer viewed from the eyes of a blissful child?

Have you burned out all the wonderment over coffee breaks and debt consolidation?

If you're looking for advise along the tape deck dial, it's not there.

All I can tell you is that the 'Pause' button doesn't work.

Just don't 'Stop'.