As I
mentioned, the human race was created in GOD's image, but I don't expect
GOD to be a man or woman with ten toes and ten fingers. So I don't give GOD a
gender-specific pronoun and don't consider the Euro-centric big White guy in
the sky with a majestic beard to be who GOD is. God the Son, in the finite form
of Jesus, may have been a six-foot tall, bearded and sandal-wearing woodworker,
but HE was born an ordinary man with a lifespan on a mission. GOD, in my
vision, doesn't have a physical presence as we understand it. GOD is the
Eternal Entity. GOD may project through a voice or body (see: Old Testament) so
we can comprehend the message, but GOD is omnipresent and everywhere (but also
nowhere) at once. That's why I live under the philosophy that the face of GOD
is our own.
If a man commits an act of faith, charity, goodwill or is just plain nice,
that's GOD in action and we can see this face doing GOD's work. The opposite is
unfortunately true as well. If a man commits a horrendous act (criminal,
unethical or otherwise devoid of all good), his face is lacking GOD.
Some may liken this to the presence of the Holy Spirit, but I believe every
soul has the ability to broadcast an individual holy spirit to prove GOD's
existence and reassure the miracle of life on Earth with every choice made and
deed done (or undone). Our free will is how we're allowed to follow through
with GOD's overall purpose.
So, put your best face forward!
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