Thursday, January 5, 2017

When the Snake is the One Selling the Snake Oil

Imagine a not-so-distant past when dissent was quiet, or at least left grumbling and slithering around the outskirts unheard by the masses. It was easy to ignore if you weren't living among the weeds.

That time was... you know, like 2015. Ahh... them good 'ol days!

President Barack Obama gave us the temporary, but alas false hopes that our nation - as a united whole - was moving towards widespread enlightenment and broader tolerance. A thin yellow brick line indeed, but still paved with the gold from generations of bloodshed.

Although we should never forget how we procured that precious metal, a much bigger problem now lays before us on street. And its prospects could tear up the entire roadway.

Because all of a sudden, a snake emerged from the grass front and center, louder and more ignorant than before. It's huge!?

This serpent may have 2 great ideas, but they're wrapped in 20 layers of self-serving prejudiced venom. And it can swallow us whole if we allow its unhinged jaws to feast unchecked.

We, the collective body of the United States, may not be going backwards on our path, but the results of the recent presidential election certainly stopped us dead in our tracks with so many injected by a poison of misguided patriotism (willingly or by a heavy, tiny hand of deceit).

We're not (nor have we ever been) merrily holding hands and easing on down the road, but Americans are more decidedly and deeply divided across rifts of socio-economic and racial issues than even last year. Now the snake, who refuses to be treaded on, carries the banner as he crawls on an overfed belly through the muck. And the bad news is that many are gladly following, like a reverse Pied Piper.

Yeah, things got pretty weird and what's now considered "normal" is petrifying. This specific Twitter and adjective-addicted individual doesn't even bother to hide his bigotry and has given the once 'silent majority' assumed permission to loudly proclaim diatribes of ignorant intolerance.

The rise of such smear has been frequently disseminated by bias website 'news' sources. Many articles lean so far one way that they've already tipped over and spilled their deeply dipped agenda.

Just remember this: when you hear or read opinions so far counter to the counter-culture, question the very nature of what 'fact' means.

Intelligence and logic will never be the majority. Sad, but that is one definitive fact. It is truly a lot easier to stay complacent rather than challenge yourself to grow and learn. But you as a reader obviously know this fact; it's those who will never peruse this page that need a constant reminder.

'Tough', 'honest' and 'real' are characteristics desired by the mainstream populous. The mob mentality just needed a bombastic cheerleader. And boy did they find the forked-tongue!

And the scariest part of the equation: the snake is brewing and selling the snake oil himself.

Only by being proactive and contradictory can we, the educated hopeful, wrestle back the outlying populous (who can be out lying right now!) from the brink of sanity being pushed further off the road and over the edge 140 characters at a time by the world's greatest conman.

Sure, it has a checkered history at best with, but we must stand our ground on this winding path so it doesn't turn into a dead end.

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