Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Disclaimer: I've done zero research and am shooting from the hip with a board brush dipped in hunch and assumption...much like this guy.

Here it goes. Sure, why not?

The next time you complain about the person standing next to you in line at the supermarket paying for alcohol or junk food with food stamps or an EBT card, stop and think- 'why is he/she on food stamps to begin with?'

Are they really taking advantage of the system?

Those on federal aid buying Hostess cakes, beef jerkey, and beer (as opposed to healthier staples like bread, hamburger, and milk) tend not to be the best decision makers. Their choices often cast them into cavernous life situations which are inevitably difficult to dig out of. The poor choices can persist in a lack of nutritious purchases as well.

Imagine that the food stamp program sudden ceases tomorrow. You might see a man rashly decide to rob a bank in order to "get his piece" back. (Maybe a Reece's Piece?) No weighing of the pros and cons, just a sloppily thrown together and half thought out plan he thinks he once saw in a movie. Consider the alternatives? Nah, that's too hard. See the point, poor decisions. Which leads me to...

Such people typically are not among the smartest or most ambitious folk. I fully disagree with shoving numerous unique individuals under one umbrella and casting them as "those people", but this potential lightning rod is a glimpse of light shone into a seldom lit place. Sure my statements flicker a flashlight's worth of illumination when other blind us with the beacon of a lighthouse search light. But these dull points are still worthwhile to me. I proceed...

America has coddled the lower classes into an entitled sense of complacent security. Some are satisfied with Uncle Sam's free table scraps (and reality TV). Why strive for milk and honey when Mountain Dew and Cheetos provide similar sustenance? Hence the nation's average waistline is expanding. Not financially, of course- Americans are living much larger and packing on the pounds, says research I assume exists.

Benefits and the resulting food are so readily available; sugary and fattening treats are easy to obtain. The fairytale American Dream is hard to achieve. Why fight against the grain for a brighter future with no reliance on 'the man' when the new American norm is given out in blocks of gov'ment cheese? Harsh critiques, sure...but I am an American too, so I am too lazy to study from a different angle. Ironic? Not really.

Don't interject yet. Because it's true, there are the ultimate hustlers out there who do indeed take advantage and snatch free handouts as they'd much rather spend on a new SUV. You know the ones making bundles of dirty money by selling even more bad (and illicit and poisonous) things to the lower class. Persons of this "merit" deserve to be called out and ridiculed. Heckle away!

Then there the ones simply justifying taking back what's been stolen from them every time their take home pay garners one cent less. If you really feel robbed, don't enjoy the new schools, public parks, or upkept roads that help build a community and can potentially improve quality of life. (Yes, I know the federal governments is going to keep pinching and pushing us as a collective nation of citizens until our heels hinge over the cliff...but it's not all doom, gloom, and Illuminati.)

Finally, there are the ones who are born into and cannot escape the cycle of poverty or people inept who simply and sadly can't help themselves. They have no chance to live phat, merely fat. Lazy, stupid parents have set the horrible example and ignorance builds to a crescendo. These youth grow up never having the role models or resources to overcome and simply 'LOL' through underwhelming lives.

To reinforce on the complete other hand...

Capitalism is supremely awesome, but a small minority have been treaded on far too long and it's socially responsible that those able to give back do reach down to lend a hand to downtrodden brethren. Robin Hood had a good theory, and the truly deserved probably appreciate each morsel as they scrap and climb on their own accords even with a helping handout that they may reject when they're able to be self-sufficient. These folks haven't earned any of our scorn; they're the proud Americans doing what the founding fathers envisions. (Well, what they envisioned for European immigrant White men.) It's merely the dumb, lazy, and unlawful using a program not for its intended purpose that turn our reactions to disrespect and brew an emotion of hate.'s that as food for thought? Don't worry; it's healthy and within one of the five food groups.

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